62 I NO IKS A l'> VK NT UK 1C if he did I never heard/1 At Muscat,, declares Francisco, he was the one who led the charge.. " Undoubtedly/' observes his captain, " he is such a cavahlro thai: for choice he would be always first in an assault, but: in this ea.se he was dis- obeying orders. I told thorn to keep (dose, to my standard, and not go each man his own way." But that was exactly what each man wished and meant to do, not only at Muscat but everywhere. They wore, sick of serving beneath a martinet and took no trouble to con- ceal that fact either from their own men or the natives, On the contrary, they sowed the seed of mutiny among the common sailors, giving them to understand that a share of the tribute money should have been theirs by right. Al- buquerque, they affirmed, had appropriated to himself the 20,000 scraphims that had been paid. They spread abroad the rumour that he called himself King of Onnusc. lie meant to seize the fortress and proclaim himself in that rapacity. Albuquerque knew that his captains wore working against him but was determined to ignore it till the fort was built. Matters, however, were reaching such a pitch that, in his own words, " the axe of Justice or the paliouee of Job would be required to mend them!" His commission did not entitle him to use the former and the latter he did not possess. He compromised as well as ho could, lie told the captains that they were dispensed from further duty on the fortress works; he preferred to carry on alone rather than to be harassed by them at every turn. But in future, they were not to go ashore without his leave, so that if any trouble should arise he would know who was responsible. As for Francisco dc Tavora, he was restored to his captaincy after a day or two, for Albuquerque's anger never lasted long. And now Cogeatar took a hand. Cogeatar, as Albuquerque had remarked, was not a fool, and he had been observing quietly for some time. When a favourable! opportunity presented itself, he struck. The first blow was a bribe. It was offered to four sailors: a Greek, two Spaniards and a Portuguese mulatto from Madeira, On the strength of what